#1. 1971 Ford Transit Connect
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Questions about this shipment
All State To State Auto Transport Transporter
Hi, Does your vehicle roll, Break and steer? or do you have forklift on both ends?
Jack. Customer
Rolls and steers. Been sitting wouldn't count on brakes, this is a Ford mail van g100 supposed to be 96" wheelbase. Right hand drive.
Shipa1 Auto Transport Transporter
Hi! Does it roll, break and steer? and Is this residence to residence or B2B? what price are you looking for this shipment? We are ready to pick up this, our bid includes all taxes, full cargo insurance, door-to-door service and up to 100 lbs of items in the cargo area.
Jack. Customer
Rolls and steers, been sitting wouldn't count on brakes, this is a Ford mail van g100 supposed to be 96" wheelbase right hand drive. Business 2 business. $800.00 range was quoted 675 to 1600 low bid wanted me to send a deposit to broker.